Imagine having your own personal movie of every procedure to be learned in an Endodontics I course! Dr. Gerald Fishelberg (Endodontics I Course Director) and Dr. Cheryl Biber (Associate Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry and Assistant Director of Educational Technology for the Office of Academic Affairs) have turned imagination into reality. Assisted by Mr. Richard Merkel (Senior Graphic Artist, Office of Academic Affairs) they have created a DVD that each sophomore student receives prior to beginning this laboratory course. Utilizing any DVD ready player, the students review each exercise in advance as well as view the video files on their personal laptop computers. The laptops are placed on their laboratory benches for easy access during the actual sessions.

Dr. Gerald Fishelberg *** Dr. Cheryl Biber *** Mr. Richard Merkel
According to Dr. Fishelberg, students can truly self-pace and have the benefit of being more knowledgeable of the exercise before they report to class. "The students' familiarity with the skills is readily apparent; the nature of their questions reflects a higher level of preparedness when they enter the laboratory. Some of the students are totally self-directed; others still appreciate more personal reinforcement."
The videos were initially utilized within a local area network and students accessed the files on PC's installed in the laboratory. With the laptops as part of the required student armamentarium, the students have the luxury of the videos chairside. Dr. Biber sees this project as an opportunity to standardize the way the faculty teach and the way students learn. "Historically, it has been difficult to calibrate faculty for the technique courses. Students now can visualize the skills and review the videos as many times as is necessary to perfect their performance."
Hopefully, this technology will be incorporated into other courses.
Stay tuned for more developments…
Dr. Gerald Fishelberg *** Dr. Cheryl Biber *** Mr. Richard Merkel
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